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Wörn meets Wöhrn in Bremerhaven

Rally 2000 of the Family Assocation Wörn (inc.)

(Summary of the newspaper article in 'Schwetzinger Zeitung', edition 17th May 2000)

  • The Family Association had invited to meet at Bremerhaven from 25th to 29th April 2000
  • The members came per car, railway and plane from Schwetzingen, Villingen, Stuttgart, Ludwigsburg, Berlin, Wuppertal, Bremen and the Dithmarschen county.
  • They were warmly welcomed by the Bremerhaven Wöhrn. Most of them had never met before.
  • The purpose of the rally was to get in contact with the Bremerhaven family branch, which was discovered in 1998 thru a note in a family bible of 1833 owned by the Stuttgart branch.
  • By 1875 4 brothers had left Ludwigsburg to find work at the Bremerhaven seaport and the construction of the canal linking the German North Sea to the East Sea. 2 of them found work and stayed, while the other 2 emigrated to the USA.
  • The cultural program of the rally therefore concentrated on the living conditions of the North German Wöhrn. It was clear that since 1875 they also had adopted typical professions of the coastal area like sailor, ship's cook, average adjuster, captain, pilot or log-keeper.


  • With the help of information material provided in advance, the visitors could easily understand what was going on in the Bremerhaven seaport. The emigrators exhibition and the National German Navigation Museum offered the opportunity to duplicate the situation of the emigrators to the New World.
  • In Bremen, the capital of the German State of Bremen, the historical old town was part of the program. By sea-ferry the town of Brunsbüttel was reached, where the group was introduced to the sea-logs of the above mentioned canal.
  • The hilight of the rally, however, was the fact that more than 40 family members listened to the lecture about the 500-years of family history, in which they learned why the Northgermans spell their family name with an 'h'.
  • At the end of the rally more than 50 Wörn / Wöhrn had met and promised to join the Family Assemby Meeting in April 2001.  


