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The Argentinian Flag

During her visit to South America  Anne Wörn, Marburg/Germany,  visited  our small family  branch in  Argentina  from  22  to 25 Feb 2001.  She was received  with fantastic  hospitality  and was able to demonstrate  her spanish language capabilities.

The  Argentinian  Parliament  building in Buenos Aires with the balcony of Evita Peron

Argentina is the country of origin of the Tango dance
Floating super market in the side waters of the Rio de La Plata. Maria Rosa ( Joly ) Wörn (89), born Froglia, the spouse of the immigrant  Hans ( Juan ) Wörn (+ 1987), with Anne  Wörn (23) from Marburg/Germany and  friend.
From   left  Augusto  Wörn (10), Rodolfo  Wörn (39) and Raul  Rodolfo  ( Rudi ) Wörn (64);  second, third and fourth Wörn-generation in Argentina. The house of Rudi  Wörn in Tigre.
The house of Nora  Elba  Wörn (64), born Gonzalez, in Tigre. From left Ignazio (7), Augusto (10)  with their father Rodolfo  Wörn
Rodolfo with sister Gisela  Nora  Numez (37), born Wörn Anne  Wörn (23) riding an Argentinian  ranch horse.
Barbecue fire on an Argentinian  ranch.